Opportunities to Serve Him by Serving Others

"Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. 

For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve

and to give His life as a ransom for many."  Mark 43-45

PCCW members support our parish Prison Ministry and reach out to help those who are incarcerated find hope in the mercy and forgiveness in the unfathomable love of God. An application (mid-April & mid-September) and orientation are required. 
PCCW members support
our parish Outreach to Nursing Homes with our visits and participation in monthly Masses at each nursing home in the Gettysburg area.  To learn more about when and where these Masses are held,
contact the Church Office at 717-334-3919.
Our PCCW supports the Arimatheans in our parish.  This is a dedicated group who attend funerals to insure that all of our brothers and sisters in Christ have a proper and prayer-filled farewell from this life.  To learn more about this ministry, contact Maritza Torres at mtorres@sfxcs-pa.org.
Our PCCW supports the parish Home Visitor ProgramMany of our members bring the Eucharist to home-bound members of our parish.  To learn more about this ministry, contact the Church Office at 717-334-3919.