Our PCCW has an active Prayer Shawl Ministry. 
This group meets the
2nd Thursday
of every month
at 1:00 - 2:30 PM (August thru May),
Parish Office Fireplace Room,
455 Table Rock Road, Gettysburg, PA
for fellowship and assistance with patterns and projects.
Prayer Shawl Ministry

You can participate by:


Creating a shawl or lap quilt


Donating yarn or money to purchase supplies


Visiting the sick and delivering the shawls or lap quilts


Creating cards that will be given with the shawls or lap quilts


For further information or to obtain instructions

email cathyzarrella@gmail.com


Dear Lord,

Please bless these needles of mine,

that I may make a shawl of strength, faith,

health and love.


Give this shawl the ability to comfort ,

the ability to heal,

the ability to give strength

where it is needed and of your will it to be.


May the recipient be able to know

that you are with them

and that they are not alone.


That they are cared for

and loved and prayed for.

That your loving arms

are around them,

to protect them for whatever reason

they should need,

whenever they put this shawl on.



thank-you for the blessings

that this shawl is given.


-- Tish Hoar


Click image for SFX PCCW Prayer Shawl ministry February 2020 Report