Oh María, Madre de Jesús y Madre de la Vida,
Te honramos como Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
Gracias por mostrarnos a tu Hijo El único Salvador y esperanza del mundo.
Renueva nuestra esperanza en Él. Que tengamos el valor de decir Sí a la vida,
Y que defendamos a aquellos niños que están en peligro de ser abortados.
Danos tu compasión 
para llegar a aquellos que están tentados a abortar,
y a aquellos que sufren por pasados abortos.
Condúcenos al día en que el aborto Sea un triste capítulo de nuestra historia del pasado.
Mantennos cerca de Jesús,Vida del Mundo,
Quien es Señor por siempre y para siempre. Amén

Service Commission

Current Events and Programs

Hispanic Outreach
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In 1987 community members from Adams County, Pennsylvania and members of the Gettysburg College community [Center for Public Service] formed a sister city organization, Project Gettysburg-León, in order to foster friendship and understanding between the two countries and to provide assistance to neighborhoods in and around León. In 1989, Gettysburg Borough officially recognized Leon, Nicaragua as a Sister City.

Annual Activities include:
January fund-raising auction, “Nicaragua Night,”
the spring “Soirée,” and
the fall “Salsa on the Square.”
Manos Unidas opened its doors on March 10, 2006. The center is an all-volunteer community organization that promotes the integration of the growing diverse population in Adams County through programs that facilitate cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. The founder and current executive director is Amelia Contreras.